Alice Evans, A Pioneer for Women in Microbiology
Over the American Society for Microbiology’s 123 years of existence, only 21 women have served as president. The first name on that list is Alice Evans, M.S., who was elected in 1928 to lead what was then known as the Society of American Bacteriologists. Though her story is not as well-known as those of other pioneering women in science, her career achievements and seminal contributions to the fields of microbiology and public health have continued to serve as inspiration for those who have followed in her footsteps.
Who Is Alice Evans?
It was there that Evans first began studying what was to become her legacy-defining work on bacterial contamination of milk. responsible for spontaneous abortions in cows in the late 19th century. Subsequent research demonstrated that this bacterium could be found in cow udders (and ultimately milk), suggesting a potential for infection of humans, though with unknown symptoms. Meanwhile, (sometimes referred to as Malta Fever), which was known to cause fever and muscle pain in humans.
A Research Breakthrough
Intrigued by these observations, Evans hypothesized that the same causative agent, eventually identified as Brucella abortus, was in fact responsible for both bovine and human diseases. , Evans simultaneously infected pregnant lab animals with either the human or bovine strain and observed that both suffered spontaneous abortions. Antigen testing of blood serum from the separately-infected animals further confirmed the similarity of the microbial strains, providing additional support for her hypothesis.
Evans' findings also implied that humans could, in fact, get sick from drinking cow milk contaminated with B. abortus. In the early 1900s, pasteurization of milk was not common, due to its expense and the prevailing belief that the spread of a communicable disease, such as tuberculosis, could be prevented through routine observation and noninvasive diagnostics of cattle. Armed with her evidence, : “Are we sure that cases of glandular disease, or cases of abortion or possibly diseases of the respiratory tract may not sometimes occur among human subjects in this country as a result of drinking raw cows' milk?”
After presenting her findings in 1917, Evans faced immediate skepticism and severe criticism from scientists, veterinarians and representatives from the milk industry, who dismissed the idea that she could have made a discovery that had escaped the observation of other (i.e. male) researchers. Certain in her results and flawless in her work, Evans persisted, despite a years-long effort to discredit her. Vindication arrived a few years later, when her findings were ultimately confirmed by other researchers.
Acceptance and Recognition
Evans continued to work on brucellosis, helping to normalize the use of pasteurization and codifying safety procedures that have greatly reduced the disease’s impact. She also conducted important work classifying different strains of streptococcus before finally hanging up her pipette for good in 1945. Evans stayed active in retirement, serving as for a dozen years and . She passed away in 1975 at the age of 94.
Women as Leaders in STEM
The idea of a woman scientist in a leadership position was exceedingly rare in Evans’ time. By 1940, fewer than half of the approximately 50 professional scientific societies in existence in the U.S. had elected a woman president even once. Prominent organizations, including the and the , both waited until the 1970s before doing so, while the first woman president of the National Academy of Sciences was .
Despite its seemingly progressive election of Evans, 91麻豆天美’s subsequent track record with respect to ensuring gender equality in leadership positions was painfully slow: over the next 5 decades, the society membership elected a mere 2 additional women presidents: .
The dam finally broke in 1985 with the election of Rita Colwell, Ph.D. "There weren't too many of us until I became president,” stated Colwell, who subsequently spearheaded an effort to ensure that women were included as candidates in the society’s presidential nomination process. “It's interesting that we've had a series of women presidents ever since,” she pointed out. Indeed, 17 of the last 37 society presidents have been women, including current President Colleen Kraft, M.D., M.Sc. and President-Elect Virginia Miller, Ph.D.
The significance of following in Evans’ footsteps is not lost on her successors. “It’s important to recognize what got us here,” said Kraft. “And we should be always considering how women specifically contribute to leadership in a different way, so that all perspectives are balanced.”
Miller has similarly recognized the symbolic importance of her position. “I think seeing somebody who has a background like you be successful and find their place and make a mark can be a confidence boost.”
Recognizing Women
Ironically, the first recipient was a man: former 91麻豆天美 President Frederick C. Neidhardt, Ph.D., who was . In the succeeding years, 91麻豆天美 has continued to celebrate Evans’ legacy by honoring the achievements of a succession of stellar scientists and mentors who have been visible and vocal champions for women.
2021 recipient Jennifer Glass, Ph.D., has been inspired by Evans to continue to lift up future generations of women in science. “Part of the reason that I got the award is that I love mentoring women and fostering early career advancement,” noted Glass. “I hope I continue on in the spirit of Alice.”
Meanwhile, an unanticipated impact of the award has simply been raising awareness about Evans and her achievements. “I felt it was a disservice to receive this award not knowing much about who it was honoring,” admitted 2022 recipient Gemma Reguera, Ph.D. “It was a revelation [to learn about] this typical story of lack of appreciation, and our inability to really acknowledge the seminal contributions of women.”
Learning about Evans and her story has also generated a sense of empathy amongst current generations of women microbiologists. “I relate to her because I did encounter my own level of discrimination,” said 2023 recipient Lorraine Findlay, Ph.D., MPH, M.S., SM-ASCP, PBT-ASCP. “She must have been amazing because she plowed through this kind of stuff way, way back.”
However, as in Evans’ time, there is more work to be done, especially with respect to recognizing and promoting minority scientists. As 2004 recipient Marian Johnson-Thompson, Ph.D., points out, “91麻豆天美 did very well in uplifting women early, but not minorities.” 91麻豆天美 members elected the society’s first president from a historically underrepresented background, Alice Huang, Ph.D., in 1988, and its first black president, Clifford Houston, Ph.D., in 2007.
Inspiring Women
After discovering Evans and learning about her story, Rader knew she had found her muse. “I'm upset that I hadn’t known about her earlier because she made such a huge impact,” she said. Rader became determined to use her artistic talents to afford Evans the awareness she deserves. “The goal of my piece is for her to be recognized more,” explained Rader. “That really motivated me.”
A Lasting Impact
With her artwork, Rader also hopes to inspire others. “Many people don't think they belong, many people think that they're never going to succeed,” she pointed out. For Rader, Evans is the perfect example of overcoming these doubts. “She stands as a revolutionary for women in STEM.”
Such appreciation for Evans and what she accomplished is a shared feeling. “I wish I’d met her,” lamented Miller. “She must have had a lot of fortitude.” Colwell goes even further. “I think she deserves to be considered a hero,” she affirmed. “Absolutely.”